User-friendly on-board weighing system using latest technology for very high accuracy levels
Weighlog 펱10
The RDS WEIGHLOG 펱10 incorporates the latest colour touchscreen technology providing a user-friendly on-board weighing system that can be used for trailer & hopper loading, batch blending or check weighing.
Features & Advantages:
- Clear colour touchscreen display providing intutive operation
- Target load – set individual product target (1 of 30)
- Stores database – 30 customer, 30 products and 5 mixing recipes, allowing accurate record keeping, traceability and stock management
- Communication via SD card and USB memory stick
- Static and dynamic weighing modes for ‘weighing on the lift’ allowing for a faster operation
- Multi channel and grand total summary providing load accumulation for up to 10 attachments
- Quick and easy calibration ‘Nudge’
- Internal audible alarm
- Printer option

y características
Case Study

Debbie and Stu Bland
Dairy Farm, Reefton, New Zealand
Debbie and Stu Bland Dairy farm 14km from Reefton. The farm purchased their first RDS Weighlog 100 loader scale in 2011 to accurately measure their supplementary feed. Approximately 200 ton of maize silage is grown on the farm annually. "After originally fitting the RDS Weighlog 100 scales we were surprised to find how much we were over feeding our cows" says Stu. "Previously we had manually weighed a tractor bucket of maize with a 20L bucket and bobby calf scales, we found out that our calculations were well out" "With the recording we did after the Weighlog 100 was fitted we were pleased to find that the scales had paid for themselves by the time we had fed the first 100 tonne of maize silage." Read More...
"Overall the Weighlog a10 is very easy to use with a lot more features than the Weighlog 100 which gives a lot more useful information to help with management decisions" says Stu.
"I have found the ability to have several mobs of stock and feed types pre-programmed into the WL a10 and taking a running total of each mob and feed fed to that mob very useful. The data capture and ease of downloading this to compare feed budgeted vs actual product fed has been hugely beneficial" says Stu.