Legal for trade weighing- Accreditation for LOADMASTER ALPHA 100

RDS Technology is delighted to announce that they have received accreditation for their
The LOADMASTER a100 is a “Ëœlegal for trade”â„¢ weigher enabling product to be sold from the printed ticket.
Typically fitted to a wheeled loading shovel, the LOADMASTER a100 effectively transforms the loader into a mobile weighbridge which conforms to class Y(b) levels of accuracy (and OIML only in the UK).
The company”â„¢s quality system for production, testing and final product inspection was subject to scrutiny by the National Measurement Office, with RDS fulfilling its obligations laid down by the Measuring Instruments Directive 2004/22/EC.
With RDS always at the forefront of developing electronic weighing technology and adding value to its product, they are the first to be accredited in the United Kingdom.
Subject to a signed agreement and passing a rigorous training programme, the RDS European distributor network can install LOADMASTER a100 systems and now also calibrate & verify them suitable for use in Class IIII commercial transactions.
This will make the installation and calibration process easier and more time efficient for end users.
For more information on how on-board weighing can be used to help improve your site productivity visit: or mail